While I have included a number of short trips in this blog, I have also documented a few of our longer trips. These trips have day by day posts.
This “index page” serves to make it easier to navigate to these longer diaries.

Tasmania 2005
We decided to see Tasmania in winter 2005We enjoy the cold and we certainly got cold.We had a great trip and it proved to be the first of many Tassie trips. ...

European Cavalcade – October 2014
Not long to go now until I head off on my Europe trip. I leave on the 3rd of October and head to London for 3 days before joining a bus tour for 18 days.See the tour here....European Cavalcade I have been saving for ages for this trip to treat ...

Christmas “Roadtrip” 2019 – 2020
!! Updated to include costs !!Scroll to the bottom of this post This year we are road tripping through QLD/NSW country. We are travelling down to see family outside of family Wollongong for Christmas Day, And to avoid the coastal crowds, where accommodation costs would be prohibitive, we have elected ...

Mantra Southbank- 7 Nights 5th to 12th of January 2020 Day 1 -6th Jan
This holiday is a continuation of our Christmas Roadtrip. You can read that trip here 🙂 We arrived and checked in yesterday and had a nice night relaxing., while we did a load of washing and dried in in the tumble dryer. We slept in until around 7:30. After we ...

Easter 2021 – Yeppoon
Any travel through this CoVid time is a challenge, but we had decided that we did need a break but we would need to stay within Queensland. We chose Rockhampton as it had been a long time since either of us had been in the area. A quick "Google" showed ...