Tasmania 2005

Tasmania 2005

We decided to see Tasmania in winter 2005We enjoy the cold and we certainly got cold.We had a great trip and it proved to be the first of many Tassie trips.  

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Day 15:  Going Home :(

Day 15: Going Home 🙁

Awoke to find a light frost on the ground. It still wasn’t cold though. We did a final check of the vehicle before heading to the airport and heading home. Our flight took off on time at 12:15pm We had a good flight back and then had a 1hr 45min wait for our bus to...

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Day 14:  Berridale to Richmond to Barilla.

Day 14: Berridale to Richmond to Barilla.

Awoke to another mild morning, we have now given up on the off chance that it is cold in Tasmania. We have decided it is a ploy to keep the Queenslanders away!! We headed up to Richmond. Richmond is a lovely historic town that was one of the first settlements of the...

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Day 13   Heimat to Berridale

Day 13 Heimat to Berridale

We got up and had a lovely shower in the 5-star bathroom that are Heimat Chalets Ensuite Sites. We then headed toward Hobart and pulled into the Treasure Island Caravan Park at Berridale. The lady at the Bus Information centre in Hobart had told us that this was the...

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Day 12: Snug to Russell Falls and New Norfolk

Day 12: Snug to Russell Falls and New Norfolk

Got up this morning and wandered over to the beach. Snug is a pretty little town on the banks of North West Bay. The caravan park is very nice. They are adding extra self-contained cabins and are in the process of totally upgrading the camp kitchen and have recently...

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Day 11:  Barilla to Tahune Airwalk and on to Snug.

Day 11: Barilla to Tahune Airwalk and on to Snug.

Woke up to 2ºc this morning. We discovered how deeply Mick slept as, when he got out of bed, he found our dozen eggs!! There were none broken, not even the box was squashed. We have been putting our eggs tucked up under the doona to stop them from sliding around and...

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Day 8: Scottsdale to Bicheno

Day 8: Scottsdale to Bicheno

Lesson 1: Bush camping in Tasmania, while cheap, is STUPID!!! Not having a powered site meant that we could not use our fan heater. Consequently, the van was cold when we went to bed and we could not warm up the van in the morning. We headed out of Scottsdale early...

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Day 3 – July 4th  Strahan to Zeehan

Day 3 – July 4th Strahan to Zeehan

Day 3:   Strahan (Gordon River cruise) to Zeehan We had a big sleep-in today (6:00pm!!) Had breakfast and showers at the amenities block and “hit the road”. We drove into the township of Strahan at about 8:00 in time to work out where to park the van and...

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Day 2:  July 3rd Heimat Chalet to Strahan.

Day 2: July 3rd Heimat Chalet to Strahan.

Had a good night’s sleep for the first night. The van bed was nice and cosy and not cold at all.  I woke up at some stage through the night because the wind was very strong and was rocking the van. Mick slept soundly so I figured we must have been more stable...

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Some of our Longer Trips.

Some of our Longer Trips.

While I have included a number of short trips in this blog, I have also documented a few of our longer trips. These trips have day by day posts. This "index page" serves to make it easier to navigate to these longer diaries.

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