Arrivederci Roma

7:00 bags and breakfast this morning and we are on our way to Naples 

While we were in Rome, Bern had set us some “homework” on any public buildings ( ancient and modern) we would see the letters SPQR. Our task was to find out what it meant.
We them wrote our answers on a piece of paper and the first correct answer drawn out of a hat would win a prize.
I was lucky enough to have MY name drawn :). What a special prize!! Bern had bought a commemorative medal made for the 500th anniversary of the Swiss guards protecting the Pope at the Vatican. There were only 5000 of these made, so it is very special :). I have included a picture of this in this post.

Driving south we saw the Abbey of St Benedict and further south we saw Mt Vesuvius in the distance before turning off the motorway and winding our way down to the Bay of Naples.

Gorgeous views opened up from the windy mountain road as we travelled to our lunch stop of Sorrento.
I bought a sandwich and wandered around the town 

I came to a park and it came out overlooking the bay. Wow what a great view looking out and down to the wharves and shops.

After lunch we left the big coach in Sorrento and got on 2 mini busses for a drive to Positano.

OK. I am officially in love .,. With Positano :). Such a gorgeous place – beautiful beach (even if it is black sand) great shops and restaurants and friendly locals. I spent my free time browsing the shops, had a drink overlooking the water and just “being” on this vibrant little place.

Back to the hotel for dinner and an early night.

Pompeii tomorrow. Can’t wait for that. The reason I chose this tour is because it is one of the very few European multi country tours that do Pompeii – most only go as far as Rome.

Day 14 -The Vatican & the Colosseum -Rome
Day 16 - Sorrento to Florence