We both slept well but woke early ready for another day’s drive. It is exciting to be able to see the kids again. We are sure we will notice that they have grown again.

The news had said we might be in for a wet day today, so we had breakfast, packed up and were agin on the road at just after 7:00am on our way south.

We found a petrol station to top up with fuel. Our first stop was Port Macquarie. This is somewhere neither of us has been to before. We have decided we would like to spend some more time here and will definitely look at having a holiday here.

A bit further south we stopped at another roadside rest area for sandwiches and a cuppa

We had a good run, with not too much rain at all. and arrived at our accomodation at 3:00pm

We are here for the next 3 nights, so have unpacked and are waiting for the family to come over for dinner.

Caloundra to Coffs Harbour - 6th April 2023
Family Day -8th April 2023