Awoke today to another gloomy day 🙁 We thought we would go to into Rockhampton and have a look along the River Precinct and look at the heritage buildings, have lunch somewhere and go to the Zoo in the afternoon.
That plan got quashed when we got to Rockhampton to find out that the Rocky Nats had taken over and the streets were closed. I knew they were closing on Saturday with a parade through the city, but I did not research enough to find out that the Sunday events meant the Riverfront Precint was closed on Sunday as well.
Deciding on just driving around a “getting lost” before going to the Zoo, we drove around Rockhampton “looking” I must admit I had no idea the Rockhampton, and Yeppoon were so hilly. Lots of hilltops with nice views over the city.
Finally, we made our way to the Zoo. It was threateing to rain so we made sure we took our umbrella with us. We only needed it for a couple of minutes – but for sure if we didn’t take it we would have got wet!
Zoos are always fun and this little Zoo is no exception. Their main draw-cards are Meerkats and a Chimpanzee troupe – 2 of my personal favourites.
The small group of 4 Meerkat were fun to watch as they dug their way into various holes and hollows in their enclosure. It was certainly a difference to these ones in the cool than the last Meerkats we saw at Dubbo Zoo. Those poor little things were SO hot they were splayed out in the sand trying to keep cool
The next exhibit was the Chimpanzee. We spent a while watching their antics and listening children laughing at the baby and its Mother.
At one stage one of the “boys” decided to wrap himself up in a blue blanket and go for a walk. He wandered around the enclosure for a while before climbing up to a “hammock”, spreading his blanket out ever so carefully and lay down for a rest.
We wandered around the rest of the zoo for a while before leaving and wondering what to do. We notice a big shopping centre and decided to find the Food Court and get something to eat. M found a carvery and had Rissoles with Gravy and Potato Bake while I had Chinese.
Back at the apartment we did “nothing” for the rest of the afternoon.