Finally, our holiday plans are coming back to some sort of normality post CoVid.

This year we are traveling south the Newcastle to visit the grandkids and then to Hobart to look at a house we are considering.

If you have followed my blog, you may remember we have bought a block of land overlooking the Derwent River in Tranmere. We have made the decision to sell that block and purchase a house on a slightly less steep block to cater better for M.

We have an offer on the block and are waiting for it to go unconditional. In the meantime, we have found a gorgeous house that we want to view before we sign our lives away ๐Ÿ™‚

The decision to fly to Hobart came at the last minute, after we had already booked our roadtrip south. Rather than coming all the way back home from Newcastle, we are driving to Brisbane Airport and flying to Hobart.

The itinerary looks like thisโ€ฆ

Thursday6thAccomCoffs HarbourCharlesworth Bay Beach Resort
Friday7thNewcastleThe Brighton Toronto
Monday10thGlen InnesGlen Innes Motel
Tuesday11thNorthgateComfort Inn Toombul Road
CarEast CoastCorolla
AccomHowrahShoreline Hotel
Sunday16thFlightsHBT> BNEVirgin

We have packed the car and are ready to head off bright and early in the morning.

Heading Home ๐Ÿ™
Caloundra to Coffs Harbour - 6th April 2023