We woke early this morning, had our showers and breakfast and went to the family. We had arranged to arrive at 7-30ish to see the boys. When we arrived C said the boys had done well and had slept in until nearly 5:30am. Of course Santa had been and the boys were super excited at their haul. Young Mr T was very excited to receive a new bike AND a motorbike. (among a heap of other presents) Little Mr H had also received heaps of gifts but was happy playing with a cheap bubble blowing kit.
We left the family around 10:30 as they were busy getting ready to go away for the week. Lots of hugs and cuddles as this was goodbye for now until we catch up again when they are coming to Brisbane for BMX in February.
We went back to the motel, had lunch and put on a load of washing in the guest laundry. Given that it was a lovely day, I was able to hang the washing on the clothesline rather than using the dryer.
After the washing was hung out, we drove into Newcastle city to scope out where to park for the tram that runs along the waterfront. We are planning on spending some time “playing” on the tram on Wednesday in between checkout time of the motel at 10:00am and our flight to Adelaide at 4:00pm.
I figured today being Christmas day it would be quiet on the roads. I was correct and we were able to park easily on the foreshore park.
We went for a walk and had a look at a couple of restaraunts where we might have lunch on Wednesday. While we were there, a HUGE bulk carrier was being led into the port by four tug boats.

Back to the motel, I checked the washing and just had to put some thick socks in the dryer, but the rest was all dry.
We went for a walk just up the road, as Mick had seen a community garden in a large park that he wanted me to see. It was a very impressive setup, but maybe most impressive was how clean and “unvandalised” (can that be a word?) I can’t say I have ever seen public toilets in a council park that do not need to be locked up.
These links are for the garden and the park
After our walk, we made some dinner and settled in for a night of TV. We had finished dinner when we started to hear thunder. We were mildly worried that there may have been some hail in the storm and contemplated moving the hire car under cover, but decided that it would be OK. We did. ot get any hail, but the storm raged with LOTS of thinder and lightning for a few hours. One clap of thunder was right over the top of us and startled both of us.
Tomorrow we are planning a drive out to Cessnock and the Hunter Valley.