We awoke in our Zoofari Tent after a very comfortable nights sleep. Although yesterday was so hot, we went to bed with the air conditioner on full at 18 degrees and the fan on full speed just to get to sleep, at some time through the night we pulled the doona up as obviously the temperature dropped to an ” acceptable” level.
We had set our alarm early so we had plenty of time to have showers and “wake up” cups of tea to be ready for our 6:45am morning tour of the zoo before breakfast.
We had another great tour with our informative driver/guide. On this tour, we had close up, behind the scenes viewings of rhino, lemur, and cheetah ….
before moving on to an immersive viewing of the elephant’s morning routine.
The gorgeous boy we were introduced to had previously been a working elephant in a Thailand logging camp before being brought to Australia. We all marvelled how this intelligent giant has such a close bond with his keepers. It was awesome to see how this large boy, was more than happy to have a shower and show his teeth, feet and ears up for inspection to his keepers. In the video above you can see how much he enjoyed his shower. You may also notice how he fills his truck with water and then squirts the water into his mouth.
After the tour, we were delivered back to our tents for a quick freshen up and a full buffet breakfast. Back in our tent after breakfast, we packed up and checked out. We had admission to the zoo again today, but we decided it was again too hot, so we chose to leave and visit the Royal Flying Doctor Service centre instead.
The RFDS Visitor Experience is a new attraction and was very informative. There were lots of interactive displays explaining the history of the RFDS from its humble beginnings in the 1920’s right up to the great service of today. I highly recommend calling in if you are ever in Dubbo.
Our AirBnB for this evening was supposed to be at a local home . Our host rang early in the morning to tell us that she had had a problem with a broken glass door at her property, but rather than cancelling our reservation, would it be Ok if we would stay at her friend’s AirBnB close by. I said that this was Ok as long it was going to cost us any more.
We found our way to the new (much larger) accommodation via a quick stop off at Woolworths for food and the fuel stop outside.
We were happy to have a quiet afternoon in the airconditioning and literally a “Netflix and Chill” evening. 🙂