Awoke to another mild morning, we have now given up on the off chance that it is cold in Tasmania. We have decided it is a ploy to keep the Queenslanders away!!
We headed up to Richmond. Richmond is a lovely historic town that was one of the first settlements of the new colony. Consequently, it has many historic buildings and, of course, the famous “Old Bridge” which was built by convicts in 1834. We stopped at the Richmond Bakery and had another scallop pie!! This time instead of being curried, the scallops were in a creamy garlic and white wine sauce. YUM
After Richmond, we headed to the Barrilla caravan Park. We went here again because of its close proximity to the airport. We gave the van a good clean, packed our bags and had wood fired pizza at the caravan park’s own restaurant.
Temps: Berridale – 6ºc at 7:30am
Weather: Lightly overcast most of the day.
Travel : Berridale to Richmond – 22kms
Richmond to Cambridge (Via Sorell)- 27kms