We started Boxing Day with a relaxing sleep in before a final check of our packing lists.
I had booked a motel room near Brisbane airport for the night as we had an 8:15 am flight. With traffic and having to be at the airport 45minutes before takeoff, it would have been a VERY early start if we were to leave from home.
We drove to Brisbane after lunch, found the motel and drove on to the airport to find out exactly where we had to park the next morning.
Luckily I had rung to book a table for dinner at the onsite restaurant but was told that the restaurant was closed. This was somewhat disappointing as I had chosen this (slightly more expensive) motel over others in the area for the reason that we would be able to have a meal at the motel. We picked up some frozen microwave dinners for the night, so we at least ate 🙂
We had a quiet night watching TV and turned in early with the alarm set early in the morning.