Homeward Bound :(
Our last day was fairly relaxed. Our flight from Launceston was not until 10:20am and the hotel was only under 10 minutes away.
We packed the bulk of our bags the night before, and had a cruisy morning of showers, breakfast and pack up the car.
We got to the airport in plenty of time for our flight which was on time.
We had a short flight to Melbourne with a 2 hour stop over, so we thought we might as well have lunch in the Virgin Lounge and sit in comfort 🙂
An uneventful flight home and we arrived on time at 3:00pm
I tried to get some photos of the coast as we flew over, but I think we were a little bit too far east to get good ones ☹
Clicking on the images below will open them into a larger size.
The only downside was the door to the plane opened and we were greeted with 27 degrees and around 80% humidity ☹ NOT nice
It did not take long to collect our bags before heading home. We picked up milk, bread and some eggs and just like that the holiday was over ☹