Ready for a Christmas break in Tasmania 2024 -2025

A couple of months ago, I asked M where we wanted to go for our Christmas break this year.
The way Christmas falls this year means we will close up work on Friday the 20th and will open back up on the 6th.
We have not spent a Christmas Day with his family for couple of years, as we have been there for “Santa” with the boys down south. This year however, they are going away so we decided to stay around for Christmas Day and then head off somewhere.
He suggested we go to Tasmania Although we have been there a lot, the last few trips have been “real estate reconnaissance missions” and not so much sight seeing.
Looking into flights etc, I had to tell him that it might not be possible 🙁 The flights were crazy expensive and booking out fast. Hobart has the “Taste” food festival as well as the Sydney to Hobart yacht race. Add in people that just want to go to Tassie and it gets busy 🙁 I could see that our preferred motel at Howrah was booked out.
A few days later though, it dawned on me that we don’t have to fly to Hobart and I wondered if we could fly to Launceston instead. YES!!! That looked OK… reasonable prices and still plenty of seats available.
The next plan was to hire a campervan and amble around. That proved to be the next problem. I could get a camper no problem, but looking around, I could see that MANY caravan parks were booked solid.
So, it was back to a hire car and accommodation.
After, many days of planning I have finally settled on the following itinerary. (Click on the image to see it larger)
I am confident that I have left plenty of time to see the sights and not get too tired with only me driving.
Our first stop when we arrive is The Country Club just outside of Launceston itself. We stayed there a couple of years ago and we know it has a nice restaurant as well as the HUGEST bathroom in any room we have ever stayed in.
As we get closer to Christmas, I will ring them to find out of the restaurant is open for dinner on Boxing Day we we arrive. If not, we will cater for ourselves and spend the evening relaxing and soaking in the spa bath in the room.
Without specifically looking for spa rooms, I have managed to book 3 spas, so there will need to be some epsom salts packed in our bathroom bag 🙂
Our accomodation in Hobart is and Air BnB we have stayed at a number of times. I was excited to find “Julie’s” place listed again, as she removed it from Air BnB over the pandemic years.
Our final few days are in Launceston itself. We have not spent a lot of time “up north” and we had points at Mantra to make the stay a affordable.
From our Mantra base e plan on doing a few day trips around the North West.
We are looking forward to our trip and of course I will be documenting our travels here.