Heading Home :(

Heading Home :(

After a quiet relaxing day yesterday, we had an early night with the alarm set for 5:00am

We planned on getting to the airport early for our 11:00 flight. We were a little worried that we may have fairly heavy Sydney traffic around the airport , hence the early start. As it turned out the traffic was not too bad. We returned our hire car to East Coast Car rentals and their courtesy bus shuttled us to the departure lounge. The check in line was quite busy , but we were soon getting comfortable on the Virgin Lounge having breakfast .

We have had a great trip and highly recommend Berry as a holiday getaway,

Now back to work 🙁

Touring the Sights.

Touring the Sights.

Today we decided to get in the car and do some sight seeing.

After a quick breakfast at the bakery of Pie (chunky steak with peas) and a chicken, asparagus and feta quiche, we headed east to the beachside towns of Shoalhaven Heads, Gerroa and Gerringong. It is a very pretty stretch of coastline with lots of caravan parks and holiday accommodation

We headed back to Berry and decided it was still early, so we headed out to Kangaroo Valley.
Kangaroo Valley is only 17kms from Berry, but it is a very windy, narrow road. We had many tight corners where the speed suggestion was just 15kph.

Just before the Kangaroo Valley village we saw a sign that said Fudge for sale Fudge at the farm gate. We were surprised to see a fridge on the side of the road (and a bull) with an honesty box. We bought some Rocky Road and some Fudge.

Arriving in Kangaroo Valley, we had morning tea and explored the shops. I was hoping to visit Kangaroo Valley Olives, but the man at the information centre said they were closed for Easter. 🙁

Rather than return to Berry on the same windy road, we chose to travel to Nowra then back to Berry via the Princes Hwy.

We had a late lunch in Berry then bought some very yummy looking Lamb Shanks from a providore in Berry.

Saturday – Food, Shopping and Family

Saturday – Food, Shopping and Family

Today M&C are to visit us today from Wollongong

First up though is breakfast :). We found a nice cafe yesterday called Hedgehogs. We are having poached eggs on toast and pancakes with maple syrup
(can you guess who is having what ?)

Then we waited for the shops to open as I had seen a lovely cable knot throw rug that I wanted.
I had seen these type of throws in decorator magazines and had admired them, but had never actually seen or felt one. Oh my!!! It is so soft and cozy, I just had to have it 🙂 Lucky we have brought the big suitcase with us to fit all the shopping in to get home 🙂

We had a lovely lunch with M&C and then some more shopping. We had lunch at one of the pubs in the village. Just for something different, we chose the Alpaca burger. It was a nice meat that was quite similar to lamb. http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/story/1948132/berry-hotels-alpaca-mystery/

After our guests left, we again went into the village for a lovely steak and salad dinner and then back to the cottage for a quiet night.

Good Friday

Good Friday

We both had a great nights rest and a good sleep in this morning. We had a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs and headed into the village to see what was open.

We not not expected much to be open due to today being Good Friday, but we’re surprised to see so many shops open. We had a good time exploring many of the boutiques and cafes deciding where we should return to in the coming days.

Returning to our cottage, we made dinner and watched TV before turning in.

Main Street of Berry, NSW
Old Post Office Berry
FINALLY !!! We made it. :)

FINALLY !!! We made it. :)

Wow what a day :). After a quick stop at the factory, we made it to the airport with time for lunch . We had a good flight and landed in Sydney onetime. A very short walk and we found the courtesy bus that took us to collect our hire car at East Coast Car rentals. I had booked a small 4cyl Nissan but we were up graded to a mid sized Suzuki Swift. :).

It was surprisingly easy to find our way out of the airport district and onto the road to Wollongong and then on to Berry.

We had planned on finding a supermarket and a quick look at the Woolworth’s app showed one at Engadine, just off the highway we were on, so we pulled it to do a quick shop of “necessities ” …..milk, bread, butter, eggs, some fresh meat and vege.

We had heard reports on the radio that there was very heavy traffic at Kiama. We thought we might have dodged it due to us being a bit later than peak hour, but alas it was not to be :(.
We were stuck in an 8km traffic jam that added an extra hour to our trip. We arrived at our cottage in Berry at around 7:00. http://berry.org.au/shipton/

After unpacking, a thrown together dinner of lamb chops and vege and we are in bed early, looking forward to a relaxing holiday.

Easter 2014 in Berry, NSW

Easter 2014 in Berry, NSW

On Thursday we will have a long awaited break.

We have a relaxing break planned in Berry, NSW. We passed through Berry on our last road trip over the Christmas break.

We were impressed by this quaint little town and decided we would like to look around a bit further. There is lots to see around Berry. It is just inland of Shoalhaven and Kangaroo Valley is just to the west.

Learn more about this lovely little town here…..http://berry.org.au/