Easter in Mackay 2007
For the Easter break in 2007 we chose to visit Mackay.
We flew from Brisbane to Mackay – a short 90minute flight, then hired a car for the 4 days.
We had found Ocean Resort Village , a nice little resort with self contained apartments.
It turns out, there is a fair bit to see around Mackay. We took a short drive to Sarina to explore the “Sugar Shed” and learnt a lot about the growing of cane and processing sugar.
To the north of the city is the Mackay Harbour and stretches of wide beaches. From the top of Lamberts Lookout, we got a great view looking south down the beach.
Not far from our cabins was this cute park full of “story book” characters for kids to play in.
On another day we headed inland with the intention to see Finch Hatton Gorge. Unfortunately, the road into the gorge was unsealed dirt road, and not suitable for the small 4cyl hire car we had. Further up the road at the top of the ridge was the historic Eungella Chalet Hotel.
This ridge is also where daredevils with hang gliders throw themselves off the mountain and fly.
Back at the cabins, we were entertained each night by the local possum. We even went shopping especially for fruit to feed him.
We had a lovely 4 days away and really enjoyed Mackay and its surrounds.